IBI - Intimate Brands, Inc.
IBI stands for Intimate Brands, Inc.
Here you will find, what does IBI stand for in NYSE Symbol under Business category.
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How to abbreviate Intimate Brands, Inc.? Intimate Brands, Inc. can be abbreviated as IBI What does IBI stand for? IBI stands for Intimate Brands, Inc.. What does Intimate Brands, Inc. mean?Intimate Brands, Inc. is an expansion of IBI
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Alternative definitions of IBI
- Inter Beat Interval
- Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmuebles
- Institute for Biotechnology Information
- Illinois Bible Institute
- Illinois Bible Institute
- Iboki, Papua New Guinea
- Information Based Indicia
View 54 other definitions of IBI on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- IASOS-Hobart Institute of Antarctic and Southern Ocean Studies, Hobart
- IASP International Association for the Study of Pain
- IASPEI International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior
- IASPEI/IAVCEICVS IASPEI/IAVCEI Committee on Volcano Seismology
- IASPF Iraqi American Society for Peace and Friendship
- IASPG Integrated AUTODIN
- IASPL Infinity Assurance Solutions Private Limited
- IASQG Inter-American School, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala
- IASR Institute of African Studies, Rabat
- IASRAG IAS Register AG
- IASRP Integrated AUTODIN
- IASS Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies
- IASSA International Arctic Social Sciences Association
- IASSC International Association for Six Sigma Certification
- IASSO Ibero-American Social Security Organization
- IASSU Institute for Asian Studies at Soka University
- IASSWUK International Association of Schools of Social Work, United Kingdom
- IAST Industry Access Service Tariff
- IASTE International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments
- IASW International American School of Warsaw